The Hazara Resource Platform (HRP) has established a secure online technology platform that serves as a centralized Digital Resource Center for the Hazara community. This center enables the secure collection, validation, storage, and publication of crucial documents and data. It comprises several databases, a documents center, and organizational management tools with interactive dashboards that facilitate the efficient collection, analysis, storage, publication, and archiving of data and documents. All incoming data undergoes rigorous validation before being stored or published on our password-protected site, with translations provided for Farsi documents while retaining the original versions. HRP has successfully launched databases for victims, migrants, and a comprehensive documents center, and is working to establish additional databases. We invite contributions to enrich this resource by sharing relevant data and documents.

Our victims’ database is specifically designed to collect, validate, store, and publish data regarding war atrocity victims among Hazara civilians, addressing the absence of a standard database with quality controls. Users can search for information about victims, read their stories, and access detailed incident summaries. The Documents Center is another vital component, dedicated to collecting, validating, storing, publishing, and archiving documents related to the Hazara community. It offers a collaborative space for researchers, writers, historians, and experts to share valuable information. Additionally, the migrants’ database supports advocacy and data management for Hazara irregular migrants seeking new homes, ensuring their data is validated, stored, and published with high standards. Through these resources, HRP aims to preserve historical records, facilitate research, and support the ongoing needs of the Hazara community.

Access Policy

The Hazara Resource Platform (HRP) is committed to providing a secure and accessible digital resource center for the Hazara community. Our platform facilitates the collection, validation, storage, and publication of critical documents and data, ensuring the integrity and security of all information.
Data Validation and Security: All incoming data and documents undergo a validation process before being stored or published. Documents received in Farsi are translated into English, with the original versions retained for reference. The platform is protected by security measures, including password-protected access to sensitive information.
Data and Document Management: Users can access various databases, including the victims’ database, migrants’ database, and a comprehensive documents center. Interactive dashboards enable efficient data analysis, storage, publication, and archiving.
Contribution and Collaboration: Researchers, writers, historians, and experts are encouraged to contribute and share data and documents to enrich the platform. The platform supports collaboration and the exchange of valuable information among users.

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